un rincón más del mundo virtual

Blog para manternos en contacto con amigos y familiares. Esperamos que dejen sus comentarios. ********* Our blog to keep in touch with family and friends. Please feel free to leave a comment.

martes, abril 24, 2007


El viernes teminando de actualizar el blog, Diego me trajo flores por mi cumpleaños y nos fuimos a tomar un café. De ahí pasamos a recoger a las niñas a la escuela y nos fuimos a comer a Pátzcuaro. Tomás, mi cuñado, nos invitó. Pasamos una tarde muy agradable.

Friday morning after I had updated this blog, Diego brought me flowers for my birthday and we went out to drink some coffee. Then we picked up the girls at school and went to Pátzcuaro to have dinner. Tomás, my brother in law, invited us. We had a good time.

Y el domingo seguimos festejando. Fuimos a un restaurant en Erongarícuaro, un pueblo cerca de Pátzcuaro, a celebrar mi cumpleaños y despedirnos. Gloria y Jorge, unos amigos de aquí de Morelia, nos invitaron. Estuvimos con ellos y otros amigos toda la tarde. Las niñas se divirtieron de lo lindo. Jugaron en los juegos, vieron patos y Carmen anduvo descalza y se subió con sus amigos y su papá a una lancha. Estaba feliz! Nos la pasamos muy bien. Gracias, Gloria! Los vamos a extrañar!

And on Sunday we were still celebrating. We went to a restaurant in Erongarícuaro (it's a difficult name, even for Spanish speakers), a town close to Pátzcuaro to celebrate my birthday. Gloria and Jorge, some friends from Morelia, invited us. We were there with them and other friends from 2 pm to 8 pm. The girls had a wonderful time. They played in the playground, saw ducks, Carmen took off her shoes, and went sailing with her friends and her dad. She was really happy! We had a great time! Thanks a lot, Gloria! We'll miss you!

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viernes, abril 20, 2007

35 años/ 35 years old

Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Carmen me hizo una pulsera de colores muy bonita y una tarjeta. Diego e Isabel me cantaron las mañanitas cuando se levantaron. Y después de dejar a Isa en la escuela, yo me fui a comprar mi regalo (dos blusas y unos pantalones)con un dinerito que me dio mi mamá. Carmen quiere que prepare un pastel de plátano para comerlo en la tarde, pero fuera de eso no tengo planes para celebrar mi cumpleaños.

Today is my birthday. Carmen made me a pretty and colorful wristband and a card. Diego and Isabel sang "Happy Birthday" to me when they woke up. And after I drop Isabel at school, I went to buy my birthday present (two blouses and a pair of jeans) with some money that my mom gave me when she was here a couple of weeks ago. We're not doing anything to celebrate my birthday but Carmen wants me to make a banana cake to eat it in the afternoon.



Por fin nos pusimos a hacer experimentos con un regalo que les dieron los yayos a las niñas en Navidad. Se entretuvieron un rato disolviendo pastillas de colores, agitando los tubos de ensayo, mezclando los colores y pintando cristales.

We finally made some experiments with a gift the girls got from their "yayos" (Diego's parents)on Christmas. They had fun playing with water, seeing how it changed colors, and painting some cristal rocks.

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martes, abril 10, 2007

máscaras/ masks

Ayer empezamos a hacer unas máscaras. Las niñas estaban entusiasmadas jugando con el engrudo, haciendo tiras el periódico, y pegádolas en los moldes de papel aluminio. Pero hoy que ya vieron secas las máscaras no querían pintarlas. Les daban miedo, sobre todo a Isabel. Pero después de un rato se animaron a pintarlas.

Yesterday we started making a couple of masks. The girls were excited playing with the "glue" (water and flour), making strips of paper, putting glue on them and then putting them on the aluminium masks. But today when they saw the masks, all dry and I told them they could paint them, they didn't want to. They were scared, especially Isabel. But later in the afternoon they decided to give it a try.


sábado, abril 07, 2007


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Mi mamá estuvo una semana con nosotros. Salimos poco porque nos enfermamos las niñas y yo; pero aún así paseamos, las niñas se divirtieron con su abuelita, Diego y yo salimos un par de veces solos, y empezamos a empacar. Ya nos dejó empacadas como 40 cajas. Todavía falta bastante, pero nos quedan unas cuantas semanas antes de mudarnos a Chiapas.

Gracias, mami por echarnos la mano! Te quiero mucho!

My mom was here for a week. We went out only a couple of times because the girls and I got sick. But we still took her to several places, the girls had fun with her grandma, Diego and I went out by ourselves, and we started packing. We already have 40 boxes, approximately. We still need to pack more stuff, but we have a month or so before we move to Chiapas.

Thanks, mom for helping us out! I love you!

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jueves, abril 05, 2007

collares y pulseras// necklaces and wristbands

Después de varios intentos fallidos (a lo largo de varios meses), Carmen por fin le encontró el gusto a hacer collares y pulseras. Antes sólo ponía unas cuantas cuentas en un hilo y se daba por vencida. Ahora en una sentada termina un collar.

After lots of tries (for many months), Carmen finally got into making necklaces and wristbands. For a long time, she would only string a couple of beads and then give up. Now, she keeps stringing beads until she finishes a necklace.
