un rincón más del mundo virtual

Blog para manternos en contacto con amigos y familiares. Esperamos que dejen sus comentarios. ********* Our blog to keep in touch with family and friends. Please feel free to leave a comment.

sábado, marzo 31, 2012

El verano que llegamos a Halifax// Our first summer in Halifax (almost 2 years ago)

Summer 2010, at the park behind our apartment.

Verano 2010, en el parque detrás del departamento.

Walking back to the apartment after playing in the park, summer 2010.

Isabel decorating her space in their new bedroom, summer 2010.

Waiting for the bus at the Hydrostone, summer 2010.

Tired of waiting for the bus to go to the mall, summer 2010.

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Blogging again

El verano que llegamos a Halifax intenté resucitar el blog, pero sin mucho éxito; sólo publiqué una entrada. Hoy otra vez, a petición del público (Carmen e Isabel), se reabre este espacio virtual.

Needham Park, summer 2010.

In the summer that we arrived in Halifax, I tried to start blogging again. But I only managed to publish an entry. Now, since the audience (Carmen and Isabel) is asking for it, we're re-opening this virtual space.

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