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miércoles, enero 09, 2008

la cruda realidad//back to reality

Ayer estaba emocionada. Brincaba de alegría, porque me dieron el trabajo que quería en la UNACH, la universidad del estado. Pero hoy sólo se me viene a la mente el comentario de Bush a una señora que tiene tres trabajos, y me deprimo. No estoy en Estados Unidos, pero eso no importa. Cómo es posible que alguien en cualquier parte del mundo diga que es fantástico que alguien TENGA que tener tres trabajos para sobrevivir?

Yesterday, I was thrilled. I was jumping for joy, because I got a job that I wanted at the UNACH state university here in Tuxtla. But today, the only thing that comes to my mind is Bush's comment to a woman that said that she worked three jobs and I get depressed. I'm not in the States, but that doesn't matter. How is it possible that anyone in the world says that it's fantastic to have three jobs, so one can survive?

(oir comentario a partir de 1:20// commment starts at 1:20)

Comentario similar (en naturaleza, pero no sobre el mismo tema) al que hizo Fox, expresidente de México, cuando felicitó a una señora que dijo que no sabía leer:
inmediato una persona del público responde:
“no, pues ni sé leer, pero en la tele sí lo
miramos”. Ni tardo ni perezoso, el presidente
hace gala de presencia y de manera tajante y
simpática, contesta: “mejor, mejor, así vas a
vivir más contenta”.
Cita sacada dePor un México de Analfabetas.

Just like a comment (similar on nature, not on the topic) made by Fox, the ex president of Mexico, to a woman that said that she didn't know how to read, and he said that was fine, because that way she would live happier.

Pero bueno, no quiero enojarme, ni deprimirme; así que aquí mejor le paro y me voy a planear mis clases.

Anyway, I don't want to get mad or down, so I'll just go back to work on my classes.



At 10:20 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Congrats on getting the job. That is wonderful.

Ai, the clueness of people is scary isn't it? I've never worked three jobs but I have worked two and done school...not fun at all. And certianly not wonderful.

At 10:58 p.m., Blogger Erica said...

I haven't either. This will be my first time.

At 2:39 a.m., Blogger Steffi said...

Erica , I tagged you in my blog....

Congrats to your job!That´s really good!


At 10:03 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Well if it's teaching it might not be so bad. Mine were just dreadful jobs...office and clerk work.

Good luck again!

At 10:38 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Pues si hija que tristeza que haya gente que piense asi, pero tienes tambien razon, no demos cabida a la depresion. Tu situacion no ha sido nada facil tampoco como madre, ama de casa, estudiante de posgrado, y ahora con tus trabajos. Es preferible concentrarse en disfrutar los buenos momentos que aun dentro de nuestras multiples ocupaciones podemos tener y cuidar de tu salud para que te permita seguir cuidando a tus muniecas y apyando a Diego. Esperemos y pensemos que vendran tiempos mejores.

At 11:19 p.m., Blogger Erica said...

yeah, it's not that bad.

The only thing is the driving from one place to the other and some days, I'll have to teach in the three places. But oh well, it won't last long.

At 10:19 a.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Felicidades por el trabajo!

At 6:20 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

I remember when we were living in Mexico City, I had two jobs teaching, and it took me forever to just get from one place to the other...and it was one class for each job!

At 11:07 p.m., Blogger Gisele Schoene said...

Congratulation on your job! You are very fortunate to have a job you like.
It is so sad to hear this stupidity from a president of a country (well, Bush doesn't surprise me).
Have a good Sunday!

At 10:28 p.m., Blogger Horacio said...

pues, felicidades?! por el trabajo pero ojala que no te canses de los tres trabajos no?

and yes, only Bush (whose only real job in his life's been president of the US really) can say something so stupid... but, you know, he's just being Bush.


At 10:29 p.m., Blogger Horacio said...

y lo de Fox esta buenisimo: tiene que pasar al libro dorado de las citas de pensadores mexicanos.

At 9:22 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

ah bueno, nuestro expresidente nunca brilló por su inteligencia (pero tampoco los que votaron por él)



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