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miércoles, enero 09, 2008

correo postal//snail mail

Claudia me invitó a participar en un juego que consiste en:

1) enviar una tarjeta postal a algún conocido, amigo, ciberamigo o un familiar dentro de un plazo de 7 días.

2) Poner en el blog que uno está participando.

3) Escoger a 5 personas para que hagan lo mismo.

Claudia tagged me to play a game:

1)Send a postcard by regular mail within 7 days to someone who won't expect it. It could be a friend, a cyber-friend, an acquaintance, or a family member.

2)Have an entry on your blog that says you're participating.

3)Tag 5 persons.

Yo le voy a enviar una postal a mi abuelita. Debí de haber hecho esto hace mucho tiempo y no por un juego, pero bueno más vale tarde que nunca. Ahora haré esto regularmente. Se pondrá feliz de recibir postales de vez en vez en lugar de puros recibos y cuentas.

I'm going to mail a postcard to my grandma. I should've done that a long time ago and not because of a game, but better late than never. I'll start doing this regularly. She'll be happy to get a postcard in the mail and not just bills.

Escojo a Anja, Steffi, Zé, Silvana, and Reichi.

I'm tagging Anja, Steffi, Zé, Silvana, and Reichi.

Etiquetas: ,


At 3:52 p.m., Blogger Steffi said...

Okay,Thank you Erica to tagged me!Nice game!

Steffi ;O)

At 3:55 p.m., Blogger Steffi said...

Erica, I would like to send you a postcard!Please send me your postal address.My e-mail:



At 4:14 p.m., Blogger zeliaevora said...

oh uau! are you serious?
I am getting a real postcard?

i adore regular mail!

At 7:37 p.m., Blogger Erica said...

Well, actually you just have to pick one person to send her the postcard and then just ask 5 persons to do the same. But I think it'll be way better to send you all a postcard. So, those who were tagged, could you email me your postal address to fischersan(at)gmail(dot)com so I can mail you one?

At 2:33 a.m., Blogger Reichi said...

All right! I'd like to do it. Thanks!

At 10:45 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Que bonita foto de tu abuelita. Hace tiempo que no la veo sonriente en fotos.


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