Favoritos// Favorites (ciudades//cities)
3. Ciudades donde he vivido.
Por mucho tiempo Mazatlan fue mi ciudad favorita. Quiza porque ahi vivi de ninha por 7 anhos y eso es lo mas que he vivido en un lugar en toda mi vida.
La ciudad de Mexico es otra de mis ciudades favoritas. Ahi vivi 5 anhos mientras estudiaba la licenciatura. Me encanta la ciudad, pero ahora solo me gusta ir de vacaciones por temporadas cortas. Sobre todo en semana santa que se vacia la ciudad.
Cuernavaca fue otra ciudad donde vivimos muy agusto. Nos fuimos alla a escribir las tesis y viajabamos al DF cada dos semanas aproximadamente para ver a nuestros asesores. No teniamos hijas todavia y nos la pasabamos junto a la alberca tomando cervezas. Saliamos a pasear al centro, ibamos a bares o a comer al Marco Polo, un restaurant de comida italiana.
Gainesville, Florida, es otra ciudad especial para nosotros. Ahi vivimos por casi 7 anhos. Estudiamos la maestria y el doctorado, hicimos muy buenos amigos de todo el mundo y ahi nacieron nuestras hijas.
Pero, mi ciudad favorita es la ciudad donde naci: La Paz. Solo vivi 4 anhos ahi (durante la prepa), pero la mayoria de mis vacaciones las he pasado alla.
3. Cities where I've lived
For a long time Mazatlan was my favorite city. Maybe, because I lived there for 7 years when I was growing up (and that's the longest I've lived in one place.)
As an undergrad, I loved living in Mexico City. Now, I just love to go there on vacations, specially during the last week of Lent when lots of people leave the city to go to the beach or visit other touristic destinations.
Cuernavaca was another city where we had a great time. We went there to write our thesis and went to Mexico City every two weeks. We didn't have kids then, so we could spend most of the time by the pool drinking beers. We also went downtown quiet often to some bars and to an Italian restaurant we really like.
Gainesville, Florida, is another special city for us. We lived there for almost 7 years. We went to grad school, made very good friends from all the world, and had our daughters.
But my favorite city of them all -even though, I've only lived 4 years of my life (when I was in high school)- is La Paz. This is the city where I was born and where I have spent most of my vacations.
Etiquetas: Gustos/Likes, lugares/places
I traced all the cities with a map! :) Sound beautiful cities. It's nice to visit where you have precious memories.
Wonderful cities where you lived.You canb be proud to be there!
Steffi ;O)
Gainesville is my favorite too!
Te amo mi niña, disfruto de tus alegrías y me angustio con tus penas.
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