campamento escolar/ winter camp
Hoy al mediodía se fueron todos los niños de la primaria de la escuela de Carmen a un campamento, que está como a 50 min. de Morelia y regresan hasta el viernes en la tarde, pero Carmen no fue. No estaba lista para esta experiencia. Nosotros teníamos toda la intención de mandarla y estuvimos hablando con ella sobre este campamento desde el inicio del ciclo escolar pero aunque había aceptado ir (como un requisito obligatorio de la escuela), no estaba del todo convencida. Le asustaba la idea de estar tanto tiempo sin vernos y por esta y otras razones, decidimos hace dos semanas que no iría al mentado campamento. En la escuela no les pareció mucho nuestra decisión y estuvieron tratando de convencer a Carmen pero pues ella estaba decidida a no ir.
Today, all the children in the elementary school that Carmen attends, went to a winter camp and will be back until Friday evening. But Carmen didn't go. She wasn't ready. We had been talking to her about this camp since the beginning of the school year trying to make her comfortable with the idea, but even though she had accepted to go (because it was a school requirement), she was not 100% sure she wanted to go. She was afraid of being away for that long. So two weeks ago we decided that she was not going to that camp. However, at school they kept telling her that she was ready to go and kept trying to convince her but she had us supporting her decision so they couldn't change her mind
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