un rincón más del mundo virtual

Blog para manternos en contacto con amigos y familiares. Esperamos que dejen sus comentarios. ********* Our blog to keep in touch with family and friends. Please feel free to leave a comment.

jueves, noviembre 16, 2006

Eduardo y Eva

Hace unos días estuvieron visitándonos Eduardo y Eva. Edu, el hermano mayor de Diego, vino a presentar su novela y se dieron una escapadita a Morelia. Las niñas se la pasaron muy bien con sus tíos y eso que no los conocían. Bueno, Carmen conoció a Edu cuando tenía 2 años y medio, pero pues de eso hace tanto tiempo que ya no se acordaba. En esta foto están las niñas con Eva. No tenían ni 5 min. de conocerla y ya estaban juegue y juegue con ella. Y se la pasaban llamándola si se les escapaba.

Eduardo and Eva came to visit us for a few days. Edu, Diego's oldest brother, came to Mexico to present his novel but came to Morelia to see us. The girls had a great time with their aunt and uncle even though they didn't know them. Well, Carmen met Edu when she was 2 years old but that was a long time ago and she didn't remember him.
Here are the girls with Eva. They had just met her and they were playing and playing with her. They just wanted to be with her all the time and kept calling her if she were to leave them.

Y en ésta, al pobre tío, le tocó estar corriendo alrededor de una fuente con la incansable Isa que se la pasaba diciendo "má co" que quiere decir "a seguir corriendo", "a correr más". A todos nos tocó correr con ella, pero el tío era el preferido, y la Isa no se cansaba.

And in this picture, poor uncle Edu had to run around a fountain with Isa. She just kept saying "má co" which means "more running". We all got to run with her but her uncle was the favorite and she just didn't get tired of running.

Las niñas se pusieron tristes cuando llego la hora de despedirnos de ellos, pero ojalá que no pasen cuatro años antes de que volvamos a verlos. A ver si el próximo año nos vamos a España a visitarlos.

The girls were sad when we had to say good bye but hopefully we will see them soon. We would like to go to visit them next year in Spain. But let's see if we have the money to do so
