un rincón más del mundo virtual

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martes, enero 09, 2007

De vuelta en casa/ back home

Después de unas ricas vacaciones en La Paz estamos de regreso. No teníamos nada de ganas de regresar, pero la verdad es que estamos felices de estar de vuelta en casa. Una de las razones es que ahora tenemos un nuevo integrante en la familia. Un perrito Golden retriever que se llama Yago.

We had a wonderful time at La Paz and didn't want to come back, but to tell you the truth we're happy to be back home. One of the reasons is that we have a new member in our family: Yago, a golden retriever puppy.

Etiquetas: ,


At 1:10 p.m., Blogger Justin, Hope, Lily, and Dominick said...

Anything is possible! I am so happy to see Carmen and Yago together.
Lily and I enjoyed the holiday pictures too. It's funny, we celebrated Channukah this year as well. I read the story of the Macabbees to Lily & she was inspired, what a miracle, so she wanted to celebrate. Justin's mother is an atheist, but she is ethnically Jewish, so she dusted off the old mennorah and cooked for the family. So does Isabel's version of dreidel involve winning everytime and eating lots of gelt chocolate?

At 3:19 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

ohhhhhhhhhh, esta hermoso el perro, yo tambien quieroooo, ja,ja Que grande que esta Carmen!!

At 12:01 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Happy New Year!! It Tammy!! I was actually on my way to La Paz for the Christmas holiday, but I was in a car accident in Gro Negro and didn't make it!! I probably would have run into you guys if I had gotten there. I'm glad to see everyone is growing up....including Diego!! Tell him I said hello and I miss you all.


At 12:20 p.m., Blogger Erica said...

" Anything is possible! I am so happy to see Carmen and Yago together."
She's still a bit nervous everytime she goes outside but she's not scared anymore.

"So does Isabel's version of dreidel involve winning everytime and eating lots of gelt chocolate?"

Nope, her version was to line up all the chocolate coins and then put on them all the dreidels she could find.

At 11:19 a.m., Blogger Claudia said...

Nosotros teniamos un perro de esos en Chile, se llamaba Acuarela y los ninhos la adoraban. Que nostalgia, a nuestro regreso seguro que buscaremos uno porque son muy dociles con los mas pequenhos. Que lo difrutes y muchos besos a las ninhas.
Feliz Anhooooooooo....


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