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viernes, marzo 16, 2007

Quién es ese señor?/ Who is that man?

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Todos los días cuando llevo a las niñas al ballet, Isabel me pregunta quién es ese señor en el espectacular. Cuando le dije que un filósofo, dijo que no, que era su yayo. Después aceptó que era un "filoso", pero insiste en que se parecen mucho.

Every time I take the girls to ballet, Isabel asks me who is that man in an advertising billboard. When I told her it was a philopher, she said he wasn't, that it was her grandpa. After a brief discussion, she accepted that it was a "philoso", but kept saying that he looked a lot to her grandpa.

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At 5:46 a.m., Blogger Steffi said...

Hola Erica, he looks like the greek philopher Sokrates.I believe he is it...

Have a nice day!
Aquestion: I would like write your blog on my Link list in my blog.Is it okay for you? Thank you!


At 3:28 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esa Isa tan ocurrente! Pues efectivamente el filoso le da un aire al Yayo! besos


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